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niedziela, 3 lipca 2011


It’s hello to Taiwan and bye bye to Japan. No more proper ladies and gentleman who go to great lengths to be considerate of everyone in their sights, and also friends and neighbors who may not be present but are thought to be equally as worthy of consideration regardless, people who make room for you on the sidewalk, move their bikes out of your way so you can pass freely, talk non-stop in singsong voices while making change for you in the Family Mart, and never hesitate to throw a bow or two in your direction. I’ve traded them all in for people who don’t give a damn if you’ve been waiting in line for an hour, they’re going to push and shove their way to the goddamn front anyway ‘cause they don’t give a fuuuuuuuuuck, and they want to be first even though they wouldn’t be able to tell you why. They want to be first so they can sit and wilt in the hot and sweaty steam of the dark, unventilated bus, secure in their smugness, knowing their elbows are the sharpest of the bunch and they made it in FIRST! FFFFFFFIIIIIIIIIRST!!!!!!!!! Oh yes.
I’m not sure how it happens, but sometimes, out of nowhere, I get so crabby I want to rent an apartment and buy dishes just so I can take them all out into the street and smash them. I was sitting on the bus from the airport to Taipei City, and the woman across the aisle was coughing, a perfectly reasonable thing to do. I felt like a four-year-old ready to explode into a tantrum. I had to continuously resist the urge to erupt into ludicrous suggestions, “Have a glass of water or a lozenge or something, bury your mouth in a hanky, stick your head out the window, just be quiet!” I cannot pinpoint any reason why I would be entertaining the notion of behaving in this fashion. I had a perfectly lovely day filled with complimentary snacks, beverages, and extra legroom… unless it was the pushing and shoving that sent me down the wrong path. I’m far too easily influenced by hoodlums and skullduggery. I managed to make it to the hostel without any fights breaking out. I suppose I better have a nap and work on waking up feeling cute and friendly. I’ve been having really lively dreams lately, with lots of cameo appearances from characters in my real life past.  I’m interested to see who turns up tonight… MmmK, nighty night. xo.

A dark cloud has descended upon the city of Taipei, and swallowed it whole. The weather is a match to my mood. I’m currently in the midst of a bad attitude. My body needs a rest. The constant movement is catching up with me. I need to sit in one place for three days straight and only move to pick up a remote so I can change the channel from HGTV home makeover shows to something else awesome, like Project Runway or Clean House. Sadly, I don’t think I will have the latter half of this wish fulfilled. I may be able to handle the first bit though; I just have to figure out where…
Today I got caught up in a thunderstorm so huge I wasn’t able to leave the temple I was in for an hour. The temples here are off the chain when it comes to glamour and mystique, it was a winning combination with the pouring rain and the giant claps of thunder. I was quite impressed with the whole scene. It had everyone out in the streets a bit discombobulated. I ordered a waffle cone and the ice cream girls were shrieking in terror as they made change for me. I watched a man fly off the hood of a yellow cab that plowed around a corner and straight into him. The cabby got out of the car and gave his victim a deep bow and a tissue, while smiling, then got back in the car and drove away with a cigarette in his mouth. It reminded me of a friend of mine. He was crossing the street with a smoke in his mouth and was hit by a car. He and the cigarette both bounced off the hood and onto the ground. Apparently unfazed by the accident, he immediately popped up, located the cigarette, and placed it back between his lips, just as he and the driver made eye contact and realized that they were friends of each other’s.
Enough about him, let’s talk about me. I’m weary. I had an onsen day with Heather in Japan, but I think I need more, in lieu of HGTV. It looks like it’s going to be raining all over Taiwan for the next week or so. Maybe I’ll see if there’s some awesome equivalent of a jimjilbang here, or try to use my powers of persuasion to talk some hostel goer into staying in and rubbing my feet instead of going to yet another temple. Wish me luck.

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