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Wszystkie zdjęcia zamieszczone w tym blogu zostały wykonane aparatem OLYMPUS PEN E-P1 przez Sonye Louise Barham. Copyright © 2010–2011 A Search For Heartbreaking Beauty.

niedziela, 5 czerwca 2011

Daleka droga

Podsumowanie dotychczasowej podróży:

This is in reply to a request for a map of where I’ve been so far. I’ve posted it on the Itinerary page and will continue to update it as I move around. I’ll figure out how to make it bigger a little later on, right now I’m sleepy and no good at thinking…

Here’s where I’ve been so far:
1. Los Angeles to London, England by plane. I dropped my kitties off and hit the road.
2. London to Moscow, Russia, by plane.
3. Moscow to Beijing, China. 7 days on the Trans-Siberian Railway, through Siberia and Mongolia.
4. Beijing, China to Tianjin, China to Tanggu, China by train.
5. Tanggu, China to Incheon, South Korea, by boat.
6. Incheon, South Korea to Seoul, South Korea, by train.

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